What's the scoop?

Task 4:
What's the scoop? programming needed to ask what ice-cream the user wanted and give them the appropriate answer back. For scream bowl you reply with here's your scream bowl, for chocolate, please come back in 10 mins and for anything other flavor, here is your ice-cream :)
This was similar to task 3, I used elif but didn't just have multiples of that. I used if for yes to a screambowl  and for no I used elif to input a question. It was alright to program but again the indentations and punctuation were annoying.
cream = input("Would you like a Screambowl? ")
if cream == "Yes":
 print( "Here is your Screambowl!")
elif cream =="No":
 cream= input("What flavour would you like? ")
 if cream == "Chocolate":
  print("Please come back in 10 minutes!")
   print("Here is your ice cream :)")

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